Eco-friendliness is not a buzzword or a fad. It is a responsibility that each individual should shoulder. All aspects of our lifestyle can affect the environment—from food to fossil fuel consumption, waste generated, and more. Even the building materials we use for our homes can negatively affect the environment.

For example, asphalt—a popular material for roofing in San Diego—is horrible for the environment. Up to 1.25 million tons of asphalt shingles make their way to landfills in Canada every year since asphalt roofs need replacing every 15 to 20 years. As a result, they contribute directly to our dependency on fossil fuels. 

There are many options for eco-friendly roofing today. Each of these has benefits, downsides, and unique traits. Here are some reasons why you should choose eco-friendly roofing.

Green Roofs Have Longer Lifespans

Eco-friendly roofing lasts longer than asphalt shingles. Metal roofing can last up to 50 years, while slate tile roofing can stay up to 100! In comparison, you can get 15 to 25 years from asphalt shingles. What’s more, you would need repairs and replacements for this type of roof.

Eco-Friendly Roofs Are Durable

A green roof can better handle harsh climates and the elements. Roofing materials known for their durability are rubber, reclaimed tile, and corrugated metal roofing. If you use these materials, you will have peace of mind and be confident that your home will stay intact even after getting exposed to harsh weather.

Green Roofs Are Recyclable

Roofing installations and constructions create plenty of waste materials. When you choose green roofs, you can reduce your home’s carbon footprint—many eco-friendly materials are fully recyclable.

Eco-Friendly Roofs Reflect Light

Another advantage to green alternatives for roofing is that they can reflect light, which is handy during the summer. In hot weather, your home can absorb and trap heat, and roofing materials that reflect light can keep temperatures low in your home.

Green Roofs Reduce Energy Consumption

Your roof regulates heat in your space, which has a direct effect on electricity bills. If you use an air conditioner during the summer, having a light-reflecting roof could give you a boost in your savings. Besides, using your air conditioner less is better for the environment.

Eco-Friendly Roofs Need Fewer Repairs

Asphalt shingles need constant repairs, and they might require replacement soon after you get them. In contrast, some types of eco-friendly roofing do not need as much maintenance. If your roof does need repairing, these tend to be straightforward and more affordable.

Green Roofs Improve Air Quality

Yet another eco-friendly solution would be to have a rooftop garden on your roof. Lightweight materials like plastic, fiberglass plant containers, and others can reduce air pollution and act as filters. Rooftop plants remove particulate matter and contaminants, which make the air in your area much cleaner.


Building a green home is no longer difficult or expensive. Though some green alternatives can get a little pricey, roofing materials and installation processes are overall inexpensive. Eco-friendly roofs are great for property owners looking for affordable options—if you want to repair or replace your roof but cannot stray too far from your budget, consider green solutions like this.

Trust Pioneer Roofing Company in California for residential roofing in San Diego. Your roof is an essential part of your home, so we always provide prompt, professional service and use environmentally efficient materials and processes. We have you covered; get a free quote today!